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Everything is better with bubbles! Fruity, sweet and delicious, St. Julian's fruit sparkling wine juices are non-alcoholic so all ages can enjoy! No added sugar and no high fructose corn syrup, just 100% juice! 

(Alcohol-free) This American classic from 100% Niagara grapes is fruity and sweet and tastes like fresh grape juice. *Not applicable for $7 shipping.

(Alcohol-free) This sparkling juice has a wonderful sweetness well balanced with tart raspberry flavors. *Not applicable for $7 shipping.

(Alcohol-free) Classic American juice from 100% Concord grapes grown in Southwest Michigan. *Not applicable for $7 shipping.

(Alcohol-free) Hints of exotic passion fruit and wonderful peach flavors intertwine giving a nice blend of both these fantastic fruits. *Not applicable for $7 shipping.

Original Family Recipe. Low in calories! Great for salads, marinades, dips, and more!