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Shaken or Stirred?


Shaken or stirred? It’s a timeless question when it comes to making craft cocktails. Mastering the art of mixing cocktails is crucial for creating the perfect drink as it not only combines ingredients but also effectively chills the beverage and adds the ideal amount of dilution. While it may take some practice to perfect, becoming a skilled mixologist doesn't require any secret skills - just an understanding of the fundamental principles that differentiate shaken cocktails from stirred ones.

To gain confidence in the mixing method, it is beneficial to delve into the chemistry behind the process. The key lies in understanding how the ingredients interact and influence the method of blending them together.

Stirred Cocktails

Stirring works best for spirit forward cocktails that highlight clear ingredients. This can include cocktails such as Old Fashioneds or Manhattans. This method helps control ice dilution and allows the flavorful spirits to be the star of the show.

Shaken Cocktails

Shaking quickly cools and dilutes cocktail ingredients, while also aerating the final drink for a thoroughly blended beverage. This technique is commonly used for drinks containing citrus juices, cream, or egg whites to create a fizzy or frothy texture, like Margaritas and Sidecars. The cocktails produced through shaking are usually cloudy or opaque, in contrast to the clear appearance of stirred drinks.


We have a range of spirits including whiskey, bourbon, brandy, vodka, and rum available for purchase and tasting at all of our tasting room locations. In addition, we have a lot of great proof mixers – this lavender one for example – to take your cocktails to the next level. Our staff members can assist with picking the perfect spirit and proof mixer for an expertly crafted cocktail no matter if it is shaken or stirred.

Interested in limited release spirits? Consider joining our Spirits Club! Members of the Spirits Club can expect small-batch craft releases, amazing discounts, distillers’ information, cocktail recipes, and invitations to exclusive experiences. Join us on this journey of discovery as we capture the true spirit of Michigan.